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Dec 26,2022 by stunahome.com
5 Preventable Foot Diseases
Your feet have 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons to keep all the moving parts together. They take a lot of daily abuse from walking, running or long work days so naturally, they are subject to many different types of problems - Problems you can prevent by wearing the right footwear.
1. Bunions
The bunion is a disease of the foot skeleton: In this case, the big toe is no longer in its natural position. It bends in the direction of the other toes and often even displaces them. In some cases, the toes also slide over or under each other. Due to this oblique position, the bunion area on the inside of your foot bulges. A clear bump can be seen and felt. The hallux valgus also changes the weight distribution on your entire foot. The big toe takes too little load, while the bones under the little toes are overloaded. This interferes with the rolling motion when walking and often brings on major foot pain.
If there is a certain predisposition, wearing too narrow, pointed shoes for years is particularly unfavorable. Also, in shoes with high heels, the foot muscles cannot work properly, they lose strength and elasticity. This favors the development of toe malpositions. Studies have also shown that even years of wearing socks compresses the toes and affects the natural shape of the foot. So choose the right footwear to avoid or treat bunions.
Visible bump on the side of the foottenderness on or around the big toe
Callus or corn on the bone below the big toe
Difficulty moving the big toe
Pain in the big toe when walking
2. Plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of a powerful tendon plate (the plantar fascia) that spans the arch of the foot from the heel to the toe joints. The main cause of this inflammation is permanent overloading of the tendon plate on the sole of the foot. Reasons for this can be overweight as well as an athletic and/or occupational overload with poor footwear.
Accompanying the patients often also have problems with the Achilles tendon and a malposition of the foot.
Pain in the heel area
Complaints in the area of the Achilles tendon
3. Athlete’s foot
The fungi are transmitted through direct skin contact or through skin flakes. This can happen, for example, when bare feet come into contact with contagious dander in communal showers. The same fungi can also lead to nail fungus.
Skin fungi need moisture and warmth to spread. The feet provide a favorable environment: because we wear shoes most of the day, it is often warm and moist there. This makes it all the more important to rely on breathable shoes to keep the skin nice and cool and dry.
- Itching between the toes
- Redness and flaking of the skin
- Small pustules or blisters
4. Flat Foot
- Flat sole of the foot
- Pain when walking
- Feeling of tiredness in the feet
- Swelling below the inner ankle
⇩Anti Flat Feet Shoes⇩
5. Gout
Pain, usually intense
Stunahome™ - Recommended by doctors:
Experts in the industry have been recommending the Stunahome™ footwear to anyone having foot problems and to people who have to spend a lot of time standing/walking. Often these are being recommended to elder patients.
With 15.000+ verified 5 star reviews, what is it about this sensation that makes people go crazy about these casual looking shoes?
The shoes include a premium orthotic insoles to improve posture and relief pain from your feet. Thousands of customers already swear on the shoes all over social media.
They are offering a special limited time discount with 50% off their shoes, as an introduction offer.
Click the button above to check if the shoes are still available.